Jacques Journal 2021-2022 » Week 27

Week 27


Greetings Jacques Families,


It is amazing how during the month of March our weather changes!  Signs of Spring are everywhere! If you have the opportunity to take a look at our garden boxes, you can see the bulbs planted by our students in the fall beginning to sprout. Here is a update and reminder for this week.


Report Cards:

The second trimester comes to an end on Thursday, March 17th.  Individual student Report Cards, NWEA benchmark assessment reports and other  progress reports will be sent home with students on Friday, March 25th. After reviewing these reports provided by the teachers who work with your child, you may have questions or concerns.  Please feel free to schedule a conference with your child’s teacher to discuss any concerns with your child's progress.


Family Fun Night:

We are excited to invite you to attend our annual Jacques Memorial School Family Fun Night.  This is scheduled for Wednesday, March 23rd from 6:00-7:30 pm. All JMS students and their families are invited to attend this night of literacy and math fun. Come and meet Fungo from the Fisher Cats, Tuckerman the Jacques therapy dog, participate in Choose Love, math, literacy activities, and enjoy a pizza dinner with your family and friends. 


Please click here to access the Family Fun Night RSVP form.  We hope you can join us!


March Birthday celebration:  


We will be celebrating the birthdays of all students born in the month of March on Friday, March 25th.


Please find attached to this email a district approved flyer from the Youth Empowerment and Service Team.


In closing, we want to thank our families for your diligence in having your students at school on-time and well-prepared for learning each day. In addition, please continue to be mindful that our students’ academic day continues until dismissal at 2:45 each afternoon.  It is very important that students are not dismissed early unless an unavoidable appointment or emergency is involved as valuable instruction from the teacher can be missed.


Enjoy the beautiful, warm, weather and as always, should you have any concerns or questions, please contact me at any time.


Tim O’Connell
