Jacques Journal 2021-2022 » Week 29

Week 29


Good Afternoon Jacques Families,


We are very fortunate to have ongoing support within our school and district from the New Hampshire Department of Education and the office Social Emotional Wellness this year as we continue our efforts to implement a Multi-Tiered System of Support for Behavioral Health and Wellness (MTSS-B).  This framework uses evidence based practices to promote appropriate MTSS-B blends research-based school mental health practices and social-emotional learning with a tiered prevention framework. MTSS-B is a research-based framework for teaching and supporting positive behaviors for ALL students. This school-wide approach to discipline focuses on building a safe and positive environment in which all students can learn. The benefits of implementing MTSS-B include, fewer behavior issues, more instructional time and increased student attendance. To assist with this important initiative and work. We are fortunate to have joining our Ms. Kristen Bachand joining our team at JMS as our new MTSS-B interventionist.  Ms. Bachand will promote this work at JMS and support students in the out-of class support centers. There will be more to share around this work in my weekly updates to come.


Here are some addtional important updates for this week at JMS:


SPRING BOOK FAIR - We are excited to be hosting the MES PTO Scholastic Spring Book Fair Wednesday, April 13th through Friday, April 15th 2022. Several classes have had the opportunity to visit the Book Fair today. New books get our young students excited about reading and literacy.  All funds raised go to the MES PTO in support of our schools.  You can also begin shopping online and set up an E-wallet deposit for your child by visiting the JMS Scholastic Book Fair Homepage. 


BIKES for BOOKS - Bikes for Books is a reading incentive program created by the Masons for children in the elementary schools in order to help support literacy programs in our schools. The Milford Masonic Temple Association, under the direction of Artie Dunham, is sponsoring this program at both the Heron Pond Elementary School and the Jacques Memorial School.

The Bikes for Books program is very simple.  Students are asked to read as many books as they can from now until Friday, June 3rd.  Students fill out an entry form, (JMS Bikes for Books Google Form)  for each book that they read.  The entry form includes the name of the book and the author, as well as the student’s name, grade and teacher’s name.  The student also fills out a short description of the book.  After completing the entry form, please press “Submit”.   The more books they read, the better opportunity they have to be chosen to receive a new bike! While student participation is not mandatory, I am sure that it will support and encourage reading!

We will be raffling off two bikes per grade level at the end of the year on Friday, June 10th. Thank you to Mr. Dunham and the Milford Masons for promoting this event for our students! Good luck to all who participate!


CHOOSE LOVE BUS  returns to JMS - We are excited to welcome back our friends from the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement, a non-profit organization that promotes mental health for children.  The “Choose Love – On the Move'' wellness tour will be visiting Jacques Memorial School on Monday, April 18th.  The tour comes in response to the rise in stress, anxiety, isolation, and fatigue in children, and adults due to COVID-19. It aims to support the mental health needs of educators, students, families and the community at large. You can find more information about Choose Love at chooselovemovement.org


MES PTO UPDATE - The MES PTO will be holding its next meeting TONIGHT - Wednesday, April 13th at 7:00 pm. Please join us!


Time: Apr 13, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 871 1484 5356
Passcode: 654671


Please find attached to this email a district approved flier containing information regarding the New Hampshire Department of Education ReKindling Curiosity Summer Camp Program.


In closing, I want to express my gratitude for our teachers and staff at Jacques Memorial School. What a wonderful job they are doing keeping students engaged, learning and excited about school each day during this  year. We are so lucky to have such a hardworking group of individuals!



Tim O'Connell
