Stacey McQueeney » Curriculum


 Wilson Fundations makes learning to read fun while laying the groundwork for life-long literacy. Students in grades K-3 receive systematic instruction  in critical foundational skills emphasizing:
  • Phonemic awareness
  • Phonics/ word study
  • High frequency word study
  • Reading fluency
  • Vocabulary
  • Comprehension strategies 
  • Handwriting
  • Spelling
 Our Fundations lessons are 30 minutes a day. We also use Fundations in our small group literacy centers which are 60 minutes a day. 
     The EL Education Language Arts curriculum is a comprehensive, standards-based core literacy program that engages teachers and students through compelling, real world content. Here are the first grade modules we will be studying. 

​MODULE 1: Tools and Work

MODULE 2: Sun, Moon, and Stars

MODULEs 3 & 4: Birds

Everyday Math 4 (2015-2016) - Series Overview

Our primary math program is  Everyday MathematicsIn the classroom math will consist of whole group instruction and exploration as well as a  calendar wall component. Our math lessons are about 30-40 minutes a day. We also have math centers twice a week.