Week 27
Greetings JMS families,
Happy Spring Equinox! With the recent read-a-thon event coming to a close, I would like to remind you and encourage you as a parent/guardian to keep reading with your child for at least 20 minutes a day. This is truly the best thing that you can do for your child as a parent. Not only is there a lot of power in reading as it supports their academic growth; but it also can be a nice quiet time together. For most of us, when we think back to the most powerful experiences in our literate lives, we think of being read to. Whether it was a teacher, parent or sibling who read to us, we remember the feelings of comfort and the sense of adventure in losing ourselves in a good story.
Reading aloud with your children supports their development as readers and writers, fosters their love of reading, improves reading skills and abilities, and encourages children to read throughout their lives!
JMS Family Fun NIGHT!
Mark your Calendars! Please Join us on Thursday, March 30, 2023, for our Annual Family Fun Night form 6:00-7:30 pm. All JMS students and their families are invited to attend this night of literacy and math fun. Students will also showcase what they have learned with our new STEM initiative LEGO Discovery! Come and meet Tuckerman and Finley, the Jacques therapy dog team, and enjoy math, literacy activities, and dinner with your family and friends. Pizza will be served!!
If you are interested in attending this year’s event please RSVP here
If you have any questions, please connect with Leslie Brigagliano,
Assistant Principal: leslie.brigagliano@milfordk12.
Report Cards
Report cards will be issued to all students on Friday, March 24th. Our report cards provide information to parents around their student’s progress towards student learning expectations and curriculum standards. Reporting student progress is an essential part of the communication and partnership between home and school. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your childs’ progress please contact and reach out to your child’s teacher.
In addition to the report card, parents/guardians will receive several other progress documents including benchmark assessment reports from our standardized assessment (Acadience, NWEA). These can also provide important information and insight into your child’s academic progress. If you have any questions regarding these additional reports please reach out to the school.
Kids Vote Too! School District Voting/Elections
Due to the March Nor'easter, The annual town and school district voting/elections have been postponed and scheduled for Tuesday, March 28thth from 6:00 am - 8:00 pm. As a result there will be no school for students on Tuesday, March 28th. We have also rescheduled our Kids VOTE too to coincide with town and school district voting on March 28th.
If you volunteered to supervise the Kids Vote Too polls on March 14th thank you! However with the rescheduled date we are hoping to have volunteers help Kids VOTE Too! event a success on March 28th. Below please find a link to a sign-up genius page for the new date, March 28th. We need volunteers from 8:30 am - 2:30 pm.
KIDS VOTE TOO! Volunteer sign-up
All your efforts and parental involvement is a direct correlation to your child’s success, so again, I say THANK YOU! We continue to seek your support and assistance with reminding your child of their role and responsibilities while in school: Come to school on time and be prepared to learn, and always Be Safe, Kind and Responsible. Let’s continue with our success and to do our best!
Tim O’Connell
Please find attached to this email several district approved flyers including JMS Kindergarten Registration, CAST (Community Action for Safe Teens), and Erdody family Fundraiser.