December 6, 2023

Good Afternoon JMS families,
December is always a special time, filled with joy, reflection, and warmth of family and friends.  While this time of year can bring joy and celebration  it is also a time when our daily routines and schedules are challenged by the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. There is comfort in consistency and predictable routines provide stability and help young children navigate the excitement of the season. Holidays are a busy time  for families. Ensure that you and your child find moments of rest and relaxation, creating balance that supports overall well-being.
At Jacques Memorial School we strive to find a balance between the excitement of celebration and the nurturing consistency of  routine. Teachers will be organizing special holiday activities that align with the curriculum.  These activities are designed to add a “festive touch” to the learning experience while maintaining focus on educational goals.  Clear communication is key especially during the holiday season.  We value the partnership between home and school. Any adjustment to the school schedule, classroom routines and special events will be communicated promptly by your child’s classroom teacher. 
First Trimester Report Cards: Report cards will be sent home with students to parents/guardians on Friday, December 8th.  Our report card is a standards-based report card.  It provides information about your son/daughter's level of proficiency in relation to end-of-year grade-level learning standards. Please look for this important document. 
You will also find several other important reports enclosed. Each student will receive an Acadience benchmark report. The purpose of Acadience Reading is to monitor your child’s development in reading,  identify students who need additional help, and guide the teacher’s instruction. Also, for first-grade students, an additional report will be included.  This is the NWEA-MAP benchmark report.  This measures student proficiency and progress in both math and reading. These additional benchmark reports will be sent home at the end of each trimester with every report card. Please sign and return the report card envelope to the school.  Please connect with your child’s teacher if you have any questions about the report card or the other enclosed student assessment reports. 
JMS Kindness Challenge:  As you may know, our motto at JMS is Be Safe, Be Kind, and Be Responsible. Our school community (students and staff) have been issued a Kindness Challenge for the remaining weeks of school in December.  Our goal is to engage in as many acts of kindness as we can!  Each kind act will be recorded and displayed on a paper chain in the hallway at JMS.   We would like to extend participation in the JMS Kindness Challenge to families.  If your child demonstrates kindness at home or anywhere else in the community, please share the act of kindness with us by completing the Google Survey below:
Our goal is to reach 500 acts of kindness by Tuesday, December 20th.  We will track our progress daily as we strive to make our goal.  If we accomplish our goal we will celebrate with a special kindness event/celebration on Wednesday, December 21st. 
Milford Police Department - Holiday Toy Store:  Our community partners at the Milford Police Department are again hosting a Holiday Toy store for families in need this Holiday season.  The Holiday store is open for families with children who reside in Milford.  The store is open Monday through Friday 8:00-5:00 pm, however appointments can be made outside these hours by contacting the Milford Police Department.   If you have any questions please class our school social worker, Mrs. Holland for more information.  We are so fortunate to be part of  such a generous and giving community!
Physical Education Update - Mr. Pearson:  We are excited to share that JMS is connecting with a community partner in Determined Martial Arts. The focus of their program is building confidence and self-belief, while also exposing students to the immense benefits of physical activity. Determined Martial Arts will be visiting our Physical Education classes the week of December 13th-19th, allowing for all of our students to enjoy this experience. Students will engage in fun team building games, while also working through problem solving activities. Please have students wear sneakers on their PE day so that they can enjoy this special lesson.
Lost and Found- Our lost and found is growing by the day!  If your child is missing anything please have them check the lost and found.  You can click the link to view our Lost and found Video.  All remaining items will be bagged and donated on Friday, December 22nd.Please find attached to this email to fliers from our Community partners at CAST (Community Action for Safe Teens) and Grand Monadnock Youth Choir. 
Thank you for reading this week’s parent update!
Tim O’Connell
JMS Principal
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